
Many apologies and thanks to those who have contributed in some way

Sunday, 27 July 2008

You Love Muhammad (Sallalaho alayhi wasalaam) huh??? ....EDITED!!!!!!


InshAllah please forgive me for the incorrect version posted a couple of days ago, Alhumdulilah it was brought to attension and the post has been mended accordingly! JazakAllah Khairun,

Assalaamulaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarkatahu my dear brothers and sisters, indeed we claim to be from the Ummah of the Noble Muhammad Sallalhu alayhi Wasalaam, yes??? we do don't we??? BUT HOW MUCH DO WE KNOW ABOUT HIM???

Such a example like his Mubarak Sunnah WILL NEVER EVER BE FOUND! GUARENTEED! So how much do we strive to know about him, his life, his conduct, his character, his dealings, all that we can know about him???? and of those from us who know all these, how many of us implement Rasulullah sallalahu alayhi wasalaam's way? his rightly guided path set from Allah, HIS SUNNAH!!!!

Such a mercy was Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam, that though he was the seal of prophethood, though he was guarenteed Jannah, he kept straight to the guidelines of Allah, the command of Allah!

I'm speaking of no other than the one who lead the Muslims and gave us the Islam that WE TAKE FOR GRANTED TODAY!!! THIS VERY DAY!!! HOW MANY DIED STRIVING TO ESTABLISH ISLAM????? HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS, COUNTLESS NUMBERS!!!!


Such was Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam that he would pray Tauhajjad, till his blessed ankles were swollen, such was his conduct that he was the best of mankind yet he humbled himself to Allah, his Lord like he was the lowest of the low, and today we see US MUSLIMS having so much pride, arrogance, being big-headed and ego-istic!!!!


Such was Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam, such was his mercy that his Mubarak face showed signs of stress, worry and distress constantly! Why? you may Ask, BECAUSE OF YOU! BECAUSE OF ME! BECAUSE OF EVERY BROTHER! EVERY SISTER! EVER MOTHER! FATHER! SON! DAUGHTER! THE UMMAH!!!! HIS UMMAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such was Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam, that he desired Jannah for us ALL!!!! Hence constantly teaching the Sahabah the Sunnah; the rightly guided path!
How do ever even begin to show Allah how grateful we are to Rabbil Alamin for giving us such a guide as Muhammad sallalhu alayhi wasalaam?????? Despite knowing he was guarenteed Jannah he carried on the Path of Islam, the Path Allah commanded, Let's be honest if that was you or me that was given news of Jannah, we'd be partying! "YAY! FORGET SALAH, FORGET IT ALL I'M GUARENTEED JANNAH!! YIPEEE!"
How many of us would actually stop to think "SubhanAllah!!!! ALLAH has given me Jannah, should i not be ever grateful and even grow stronger in my Deen!!!" ......WELL GUESS WHAT! That's how Muhammad Sallalahu alayhi wasalaam saw it!

How many times do we recite the durood upon Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam? just because we love him fisabillah (for the sake of Allah), because he is our Prophet, our intercessor on the Day of Reckoning InshAllah!? even after knowing that you get a ten-fold hasanah (reward) for each time you recite the durood!!!!!

READ MY BROTHERS AND SISTER, READ THE TEARS OF RASULULLAH! Such a Rahmah (mercy) was Muhammad sallalhu alayhi wasalaam, and yet however ungrateful we are as mankind!
I speak to myself first and foremost before i lecture anyone else about such simple acts of Islam, InshAllah let's help one another to grow stronger in the Deen as each day goes by, as each hour goes by, as each minute goes by, as each second goes by, for this time will not return to us!!!! once it's gone, it's gone, a lot like life my brothers and sisters, life is very very very very very SHORT!!!! Let's not waste it checking out The Dark Knight in cinemas, or "Oh My God, Is Tanya from eastenders gonna dump Jack!!!"

Firstly, forget Tanya's life and look to yours, Allah won't ask you about what Tanya did with her life, Allah will ask you about YOURS!!!! so what are we going to say, "Well Allah you see Maghrib came in, but i was busy looking at so and so shacked up together on the T.V!!!" SubhanAllah!!!!
Secondly, watching such nonsense makes one think "oo its ok to go out, yipee!" leading to the bitter fruits of ZINA!!!! YES ZINA, THAT WORD THAT WHEN IT IS MENTIONED EVERONE LOOKS DOWN THINKING "UH OH"!
Thirdly, forget wasting a minute, you just wasted 30 MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE!!!!

InshAllah i'll be putting on a post about all the deeds you can do in ONE MINUTE, so i guess you will really be kicking yourself for wasting 30 WHOLE MINUTES!!!!

There is sooooooo much we can learn, even from the death of the Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam, how our conduct should be if we were facing such a situation either by ourselves or via someone else, 'A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) wasn't wailing and ripping her hair out, as you see so commonly today, death is inevitable, and indeed the believers should look forward to the time they will meet their Lord, "for the world is like a prison for the believers and a Paradise for the disbelievers"
'A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) narrated that she was proud that when it was her turn, in her apartment, in her lap, the Prophet Sallalahu alayhi wasalaam passed away.

Her brother, 'Abdur-Rahman came in during his last moments with a Miswak* in his hand; the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalaam looked longingly at it.

'A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) understood what he wanted, and asked him if she could offer one to him. When he nodded, she took it from her brother; since it was hard she softened it with her teeth and offered it to him.
He cleaned his teeth; and dipping his hand frequently into a bowl of water kept near him, he kept wiping his face again and again, repeating the words, "There is none worthy of worship but Allah. Verily, death has pains."

Then he pointed upward with his blessed hand and said, "Toward the best friend." Thus the soul soared up from the prison of the body.

Previously 'A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) had a dream that three moons descended into her apartment. When the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalaam passed away he was buried in her apartment. Then her father told her that part of her dream came true that day - the first moon irradiated her apartment. Later, her father was buried next to the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wasalaam and still later 'Umar Farooq.
Thus the prophecy of her dream was fulfilled.

Imam Thahbi quoted a saying of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wasalaam that a Prophet's soul leaves its body in the place that he likes the best.

{Source:Taken from "Great Woman of Islam" or "Nisa'a Jaleelat" by Mahmoud Ahmad Ghadanfar, 2001.}

My Sisters, My Brothers, Muhammad sallalahu alayhi wasalaam faced pains at the time of death yet he remained in a state of calm.





SO AGAIN I ASK, SO WE LOVE MUHAMMAD SALLAHU ALAYHI WASALAAM HUH?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????




Anonymous said...

this narration of his (salallahu alayhi wa salam) death is incorrect.where did you get this narration from?

Aishah said...

Assalamu Alaykum,

Yes this version is incorrect. I have saved that part of the post and will send you the correct version so that you may replace it insha'Allah.

May Allah Ta'ala keep us on haq, ameen.

Alot of people have been mistaken by this story.


Umm_Umaarah said...

Assalaamulaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarkatahu!

SubhanAllah, yes it has been brought to light that which i previously posted was incorrect, for which i cannot apoligise enough! Indeed SubhanAllah i am very very very sorry and am in the hope that Allah and of course yourelf can find in your heart to forgive me.

Since, the post has been edited thanks to another sister emailing me the correct version, SubhanAllah i really really cannot apoligise enough,

Keep the Ummah in your duas,

Anonymous said...

Asalamu 'Alaimum

Ok this has nothing to do with this post but its regarding the internet fatwas. I was wondering what is wrong with islam-qa because it seems sooo u its according with the Quran and Sunnah or maybe this is just due to my lack of knowledge so please correct me if i'm wrong. I really cant seem to find anythin wrong so do tell me what's wrong with this site so I can inform others inshallah as I know many people refer to this site for fatwas. Jazakallah Kheyr

Anonymous said...

salaam alaykum

where is everyone? wats happenin 2 our blog? it seeems soooo dead. i know Amatallah is away but wat happened to sis Aishah n Mehak. c'mon u guys keep on postin or is the blog closin dwn???

anyways to answer ur question since no1 else is answerin i wud suggest u refrain from dat site as its a wahabi site and it'll conflict with wat u believe and follow if ur not a wahabi. but to be honest a lot of their info is alright with regards to the evidences they bring, but then again if u dont hav a lot of knowledge urself then id stay away from it. as Amatallah said its best if u avoid internet fatawa altogether and ask ur questions to a scholar and explain to them ur situation becuz most fatawah on sites refer to specific ppl and specific situations. and like always Allah knows best

sry i knw dat wasnt such a gud answer, maybe some1 else can enlighten us.......

wasalaamz xx

Anonymous said...

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Regarding the site Islam-qa... the scholars who run that website, (no disrespect to them) take their evidences, hadeeth, quotations and interpretations of the Quran and Hadeeth from sources that have been "tagged" as contraversial and incorrect. However, this normally applies to things like rulings (Masaa'il) and issues to do with Fiqh e.g Salah, Wudhu, Ghusl, Tayammum, Fasting and Zakat.

Rulings for issues like that shouldn't be taken from Islam-qa because there are other sites out there like,, which are more reliable and according to the Quran and Sunnah.

Jazakallah for your time and effort and sorry for making you wait soo long for a response.

Wassalamu Alaykum

Anonymous said...

since we are all wabi bashing, i might aswell say


Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaykum,

Why are we all 'wabi bashing' in the first place? Shouldn't we have utmost respect for our scholars? Since when do we know better than them? SubhanAllah it seems we've all become scholars these days. Last time I checked we're all students of knowledge and there's a proper adaab (manners) in dealing with scholars whom you don't agree with. Know that talking ill about scholars, is a grave sin; so much so that scholars have said 'the flesh of scholars is poisoned meat'. We all know from hadith that backbiting a normal person is like eating your dead brother's flesh. Now imagine it being poisoned. That's how bad backbiting scholars is.

Anyways, what book are you talking about? The only book that I know of called 'The Prophet's Prayer Described' is by Shaykh Nasirudeen al-Albaani (rahimullah). I've never heard of no 'Al-Bani Bhai'. I sure hope your not refering to the same person because Shaykh al-Albani rahimullah is considered by various scholars as being perhaps the greatest Islamic scholar of the twentieth century. I apologise if your're refering to another person, if not please clarify your information before you tell others.

I apologise if you find my comment offensive for that was not the intention. It's only a sincere advice and warning, please dont take it as anything more than that.


Anonymous said...

Assalamu alaykum,

All respect to Sheikh AlBaani as he did do alot of good work but he made errors, and so many scholars have pointed this out.

Reda this book

You can go to the next page by clcicking on next at the bottom of the page.

it's wrong to backbite scholars, but to inform others of some of the errors they may have made is a duty so read the book. It is not made to bash wabis or any other group but it notifies us of the truth.


Anonymous said...

i would personally recommend a book called,

"Kuch deyr geyr muqallideen kai saat" by Molana Abu Bakr Gazipuri Saheb

its a quality book! defeats every argument and accusation at other schools of thought.

in this day and age we must really be aware of all these "great alims" because to me it seem that these contemporaries are getting gunned by people where as classical scholars like Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Abu Yusuf, Imam Muhammad and the likes are being eulogised.

"Shouldn't we have utmost respect for our scholars?"

i think you missed the 'Y' in your when you wrote 'our'. they certainly are not my scholars.

Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaykum,

Like I said before, please clarify your information before you ‘warn’ others of Shaykh Al-Albani. The book you’re referring to in that website was written over two decades ago and has been refuted by many Scholars 10 times over. Here’s one of the refutations:

The author of the book, Hassan Ali As-Saqqaaf, has not only made numerous lies against Al-Albani but also many other scholars such as Ibn Taymiyyah whom he has called a Kafir. And not only that but he has also slandered and abused Sahabahs from the likes of Mu’awiyyah (radiallahu anhu). His book contains many lies and distortions and through these means it has confused and misguided many people. Apparently, you seem to have fallen in the same trap.

Saqqaf claims that Albani contradicts himself and that he rejects narrations by Bukhari and Muslim. Sh Albani does no such thing and in fact as-Saqqaaf is a hypocrite, as he is the one who rejects tens of narrations by al-Bukhari and Muslim (such as the hadith of the jariyah saying that Allah is in the sky, which is found in 'Sahih Muslim') simply because they do not conform to his innovated beliefs. Many examples of his lies and academic dishonesty were listed by Sulayman al-'Alwan in 'al-Kishaf 'an Dalalat as-Saqqaf.'

It’s true Sh Albani has made some mistakes in his works. However, like any other human being who exerts great effort, some of his conclusions were correct and others were not. Thus, some of the hadith, which he declared sound, others in his field failed to agree with. Thus, these errors were made manifest to him and he corrected them. In addition, some of the narrations which he declared as weak were not agreed upon by those in his field. Then, once he was shown his errors, he went back and corrected them. Thus, if you look at many of the books written by the Shaykh, may Allah have mercy on him, there reprints would indicate where the shaykh went back, upon the advice of the Ulema, and changed his opinions. This is one of the great qualities of the scholars: that, when shown their mistakes, they would try to correct them with great haste and concern out of the sincerity towards the faith and truthfulness toward it.

However, as with any person, there are sure to be mistakes after the demise of the Sheikh (rahimahullah) because there is none amongst us who are protected by Allah from making mistakes and having shortcomings (except the Prophets). Thus, it behooves us not to accept everything the Shaykh declared as sound without investigation. And at the same time, we should examine what he declared to by weak prior to accepting it as well.

Akhee (am assuming you’re a brother) I think you should always research things before you start posting them to warn others. Also, research the person that you are defending while slandering Shaykh al-Albani. This blog is viewed mainly by students, some of which have little knowledge of the deen and are looking to increase their knowledge. So when you pass on such false information, a lot of them, since they may not know it’s false, may believe what you’re falsely claiming.

A lot of the stuff posted on the internet is full of lies and deceit. I advice everyone to verify what they read to see if it is indeed true or false. I apologise for this long explanation, however, I felt it was needed to clear up the misconception you’ve caused so others do not fall in the same trap. And as for the person who said:

‘i think you missed the 'Y' in your when you wrote 'our'. they certainly are not my scholars.’
I really feel sorry for such a person. It seems they consider themselves to be more knowledgeable than Sh Ibn Baaz and Sh Ibn Taymiyyah who have spent time in his presence and have said there is none that can be compared with him in hadith because for centuries no one has reached to where Sh Albani has reached. He has provided a library of Islam. The Islamic countries and their institutions fall short in offering this amount. Anyone who now writes about hadith has to refer back to this man.

I’ll end by reminding you that after the Messenger of Allaah (salAllaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), no one is free from mistakes. Therefore, no scholar is free from mistakes. And if a scholar should make a mistake then he should not be scrutinized for it, nor should the mistake be taken as a pretext to disgrace the Shaykh or warn against him. Rather, the rare times that the Shaykh was wrong about something are pardoned due to the many, many times that the Shaykh was right. And if the scholar was from the scholars of the past, then we should benefit from his knowledge while being careful not to follow him in his mistakes. And we should supplicate Allah on his behalf and ask Allaah to have mercy upon him.

If I’ve offended you, then please forgive me. Like you said, it’s a duty to warn others of the mistakes they have made.


Anonymous said...

What I find amazing is that people are willing to take their knowledge and islam from such a controversial scholar, where volumes of critisizm have been written about him, yet there are 4 great scholars like Imam Shaafi and Imam Malik who came in the past and yet people like these who have hardley anysort of critisizm written about them are being abandoned.

Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaykum,

Who says we've abandoned the four Great Scholars of Islam. Just by defending Sh Al-Albani you think I follow him in everything he says and leave off the Scholars of the past. I myself am a Shafi'ee and follow the madh-hab of Imam Shafi'ee. And while it's true the four Imams have provided us with a wealth of knowledge, they didnt write about every aspect and science of Islam. Rather, you would find many of them with only a few books written by them before they died. For that reason, Scholars who came after them, read their books and expanded on their work.

You see if Allah wanted, He could have sent down the Quran with absolutely CLEAR/STRICT guidelines of the Shariah that we should adhere to. Rather, we see from the Quran issues requiring Ijtihaad. That's why even the four Imams had ikhtilaaf on many issues. This is because they all had a different understanding of what Allah was saying to us. If the Quran contained strict Shareeah guidelines then there would be no lea-ways. The issues we're facing today living in the 21st century did not exist 1400 yrs ago, or even in the times of the four Imams. And if it wasnt for Ijtihaad, what applied 1400 years ago would still apply to us today. Rather times have changed, and centuries have passed and so for that reason it's necessary for Scholars to look back on the work of the four Great Imams and see if they've written on issues concerning the Ummah today. If not, how are we supposed to know what to do and what not to do. Shaykh Al-Albani did not say leave the opinions of the four Imams and create his own madh-hab. Rather, he wrote many books on Islam based on the knowledge he's gained. If it was sufficient to only take from the books of the four Imams then there would be no reason for Scholars after them to have written the books they have. So what are you trying to say?


Anonymous said...

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

Where is the ettiquette of disagreement amongst some people these days? I, myself read the book that allegedly points out the mistakes of Shaykh Albani and the only thing Saqqaaf does is a lot of slander and his lack of research before he wrote his book, which shows his total ignorance and his disciples. How can they call Shaykh Al Baani a fraud? Allaahu Al Musta'aan. This is not from the ettiquette of scholars of Ahlu as Sunnah (if he even is one). Do people forget how much he has contributed to the spreading of this Deen?

Dont you think its possible that Shaykh Albaani or any other scholar can change his opinion after some time which would explain the contradiction?

It is only an ignorant or deviant person that will call Shaykh Albaani a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Assalamu Alaykum,

All praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet of Allah, Our Leader, Our Master, Our Beloved and upon all those who follow the Guidance up to the Day of Qiyamah.

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Al Jawaab Billahit-Tawfeeq

I begin by putting forth a statement said by a great ‘alim, Muhammad Ibn Sireen rahimahullah,
“Knowledge is a matter of Deen, so be careful who you take your Deen from (i.e. be careful who you take your knowledge from.)”

In the posts that you have written, you have made several mistakes and contradictions. Let me bring them into light for you.

Firstly you began by saying,
“We all know from hadith that backbiting a normal person is like eating your dead brother's flesh. Now imagine it being poisoned. That's how bad backbiting scholars is.” And then you mentioned that al Saqqaf was a ‘hypocrite’. That is double jeopardy right there. We are not looking at his life or what he does but we are looking at his work, this is the reason why Hazrat Ali radiAllahu anhu has stated, “Look at what is being said, not who is saying it.” However, let me just agree with you, for the sake of it that Shaykh al Saqqaf’s works were indeed fallible; how are you going to defend him against the innumerable scholars who are wary of his works and those who follow them? Countless books have been written and they will continue to be written as even though he may have corrected some mistakes, he could not correct others mistakes and the mistakes that he made were large-scale. I am confused as to why you keep mentioning the word ‘slander’ and ‘slandering’, this is something that I find quite befuddling as nobody has slandered Shaykh Albani rahimahullah. Perhaps you need to open Oxford English dictionary and see the meaning of slander - a false and malicious spoken statement. Where are these false and malicious statements? The most malicious thing anybody has said about Shaykh Albani is that he made mistakes, something to which you testified to also so how. If this makes us all ‘slanderers’ than you are one too. Forget us, most of the Mashaikh in the world have become slanderers at your statement as they have mentioned more than a few mistakes.

Then you waffled for a bit and came out with, “I really feel sorry for such a person. It seems they consider themselves to be more knowledgeable than Sh Ibn Baaz and Sh Ibn Taymiyyah who have spent time in his presence and have said there is none that can be compared with him in hadith because for centuries no one has reached to where Sh Albani has reached.” I find that quite impossible for Ibn Taymiyah rahimahullah was dead in his grave when for years when Shaykh Albani materialised. Perhaps you were sleepy at 11.57 pm. Maybe you could show me a reference for that? A person who rejects Shaykh Albani is does not consider themselves to be more knowledgeable, they just understand Ibn Sireen’s statement very well and thus wish to protect their Deen. There are scholars who were alive at the time of Shaykh Albani and whilst he made mistakes, they excelled. The likes of Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi, Shaykh Qasim Nanotwi, Shaykh Hussain Ahmad Madni, Shaykh Ubaidullah Sindhi, Shaykh Ilyas Khandalvi, Shaykh Zakariyya Khandalvi and the list goes on and on.

Finally, you finished with a statement that negates the works of our Akabireen. You said,
“Anyone who now writes about hadith has to refer back to this man.” What on earth is this all about? Have you forgotten the likes of Imam Nawawi rahimahullah? Imam ad-Dahabi rahimahullah? Hafiz Ibn Hajar Asqalani rahimahullah? Ibn Rajab al Hanbali rahimahullah? Imam Baiyhaqi rahimahullah? Imam Suyuti rahimahullah? Imam Tirmidhi rahimahullah? The list is endless; if you feel that Hadith can only be acquired through Shaykh Albani then you have tied chains on your worship. We do not say Shaykh Albani was a bad person, we do not say he was a biddati, we do not say things like this about him, you must recognise this but also realise that it becomes incumbent upon a person that he highlights something which is wrong. Moving on to the second lengthy post.

“I myself am a Shafi'ee and follow the madh-hab of Imam Shafi'ee. And while it's true the four Imams have provided us with a wealth of knowledge, they didnt write about every aspect and science of Islam. Rather, you would find many of them with only a few books written by them before they died. For that reason, Scholars who came after them, read their books and expanded on their work.” My friend, you have just contradicted yourself. How can you be a Shafi’ and then also follow a Geyr Muqallid? That’s like saying ‘I am allergic to peanuts but I still eat them.’ How can a person who is a Muqallid take from a contemporary Geyr Muqallid when there are hundreds of contemporary Muqallideen who have covered other aspects and sciences. It defeats the original purpose. For example, followers of Shaykh Albani will happily declare, salaat is permissible without a topi on, Khutbatul Jumm’ah can be in English, the Shawafi disagree on both accounts and at the same time label the one who does Khutbatul Jumm’ah in English is sinful. Where has your Shafi’ side gone now? Where will you draw the line on classical and contemporary? Are you willing to choose Shaykh bin Baaz and Shaykh Albani over Imam Shafi’ and Imam Bukhari (who was Shafi’ till he became a Mujtahid)? Now you will probably say, Imam Shafi’ rahimahullah said,
"When the authenticity of the Hadith is established, then that is my Madhab."

Now I could give you a lengthy bayaan on this statement alone but let Imam Nawawi explain it,

“This which Imam Shafi’ has said does not mean that everyone who sees a Sahih Hadith should say:

'This is the Madhab of Shafi’, and then practising on the apparent meaning of the Hadith.

This statemement most certainly applies to only such a person who has the rank of Ijtihaad in the Madhab. It is a condition that he must be assuredly believe that Imam Shafi’ was unaware of the hadith or its authenticity. And this is possible only after having made a research of all the books of Hazrat Imam Shafi’ and similar other books of those who take knowledge from him, and others similar to these book. This is indeed a difficult condition to fulfil.however there are a few who measure up to this standard.”

For a person to become a Mujtahid he must surpass the likes of Imam Shafi’, I really don’t think Shaykh Albani matches Hazrat Imam Shafi’ in the slightest. You mentioned the great Imams only wrote a few books and they did not cover every science and aspect of Islam. What they left for us was Usool and if a person carries out Usool properly then he can derive the correct rulings. If you look closely than the Masa-il regarding the Khuffain and also Khutbatul Jumm’ah have been derived woefully and incorrectly. So much so that Taraweeh has now been cut to 8 Raka’at, this is a sunnah that has been carried out consistently for 20 years but when people derive the wrong meanings from hadith, they mistake Tarawih for Tahajjud.

Finally, you finished with a lengthy paragraph which most of which I agree with but like the famous proverb goes, “Kuch daal mai kaala hai” there was something siwaad in it. “Shaykh Al-Albani did not say leave the opinions of the four Imams and create his own madh-hab. Rather, he wrote many books on Islam based on the knowledge he's gained.” There are many things on which he left the opinions of the four Imams, Tawassul most notably. I am not disputing the fact that there are certain aspects that need to be expanded on. I am not saying to you limit yourself to the kitaabs written by one of the four great imams. I am saying, limit yourself to one school of thought, I cannot understand how a Muqallid feels it necessary to break off from his Madhab. Maybe the brother made a mistake in trying to explain this to you, but this is what he is trying to say.

Finally, “This is not from the ettiquette of scholars of Ahlu as Sunnah (if he even is one). Do people forget how much he has contributed to the spreading of this Deen?” The same can be mentioned about many scholars who are slated by other scholars, most notably Hazrat Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyya and Hazrat Hakeemul Ummat Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi? Some scholars of the modern age have gone to the extent of abusing the likes of Abdullah ibn Mas’ud radiallahu anhu and labelling him as being senile.

“It is only an ignorant or deviant person that will call Shaykh Albaani a fraud.” My friend, you are the first person to have mentioned the word fraud on this post. He is not a fraud at all, he just made mistakes. May Allah forgive Shaykh Albani for his mistakes and the many ulama who have also made mistakes. Ameen.

And unlike the others, I will not apologise for causing offence because this is naseehat, not rebuke or reprimand. If you are going to advise then be firm upon it, everyone is saying “sorry this” and “forgive me that.” By saying that you know somewhere inside of you there is something which means it.

And Allah knows best.


Saheeh al-Bukhari