
Many apologies and thanks to those who have contributed in some way

Thursday, 7 May 2009


A man lived with his wife, children and his elderly father

His father was demanding and always talking.
The children would not go near him
His wife would not cook for him
He was given little to eat and sat by the window out the way

The man tired of his father.
Every day was a burden Every day he had something to say
Every day he would ask for one thing or anotherWould never shut up from morning till noon
The man wished that he could be released of this old fool somehow

The idea planted in his mind and grew
The idea took shape and the way out was made clear.

One day the man placed father in a barrow and went for a walk
He walked and walked pushing the barrow all the way.
He walked till he couldn’t walk anymore
He walked for so long that the sun was beginning to set

Nobody around to see the man
His idea was workingHe took out his shovel and started to dig.
He dug and dug
Here would be the final resting place of the blabbering idiot.
Finally he would have peace and quiet

His father looked at him and looked deep into his eyes as if he knew what was coming but then he looked around and kept looking until he saw what he was looking for..

‘There, There…’ he crocked
‘What?’ said the man ‘What is it?’
‘There, There…’ his father said again.
‘It’s just a tree old man’ said the son
His father smiled and looked at him again and said…

‘That’s were I buried my Father….’


Anonymous said...

May Allah Ta'ala make us obedient to our parents, ameen.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amazing story, jzk for posting

Anonymous said...

very good post mashallah

Saheeh al-Bukhari