
Many apologies and thanks to those who have contributed in some way

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Has Faith turned into Fashion?

There’s a growing culture in the West that is strictly based on appearance. You have to look your best. You must leave the house looking like something that has come out of a commercial advert (although it doesn’t always work out that way). It seems my beautiful Muslim Sisters have also adapted these values. Although there is an increase in Hijabi girls, there is also an increase in these hijabi girls wearing the tightest clothes possible to show off their ‘assets’. That is the only way I can word it. Tight jeans are worn so that the view from behind is clear for everyone to see. Tight skirts are worn with short tops, again, so that everything is on display. The only thing that is hidden is the hair with a short scarf which is often accompanied with full make-up. Are they trying to make up for what they have hidden (the hair)?

Before, it used to bother me to see sisters making fun of the Hijab and not taking it seriously. Yesterday while I went out to eat I looked quite odd with my jilbab, niqab, cardigan and long hijab. To them, I probably looked like a ‘fundamentalist’ because I wasn’t following the ‘in-crowd’. But I didn’t care. I walked in confidently, sat down, ate and left. I have stopped judging others who ridicule the Hijab, only because it gave me a headache and heartache. Sometimes, I just think, you know what? Everyone is entitled to live the way they want to live, let’s not judge each other. But sorry, when it comes to a religious symbol - the hijab - I think we should take care not to associate it with tight clothes so much so that the hijabies look more attractive and sexier than the non-hijabies. I have heard many conversations from non-hijabies criticising this and not understanding the need for the hijab if they are going to all that trouble to demean the meaning of the veil.

Now there is the fashion where you wrap the hijab behind your neck, so that your chest and front bit of the neck and chin are showing. They leave a bit of the ears showing so that earrings are on display. Then in a conversation with one of them they say ‘Yes, I’m so proud to be a mohajaba (a hijabi)’. I disagree. There are two categories for someone wearing the veil. One is the mohajaba who is covered with loose clothing with her hijab. Secondly there is the mohtasheema, the one who is wearing a veil but wearing tight clothes, so she isn’t a mohajaba yet, but one step away from being one. I think it’s better to have these categories so our young children don’t get confused as to what is the right type of hijab.

What’s sad is that before these new hijab styles came up, young men would actually respect you instantly because you wore the hijab (well that’s what I got). Now they don’t take us seriously and label us along with the girls who wear tight clothes, hold their ‘boyfriends’ hands, etc.

They have, indeed, spoilt it for those of us who are taking it seriously. I think there is a lot of identity confusion among the youth, they want to cover their hair to obey Allah’s commands but they also want to be available on the ‘attractive market’ so they can find a suitable boyfriend or husband-to-be. Maybe we should just let them be? As long as they have faith in their heart then that’s all that matters, right? We shouldn’t judge people from their appearance? We should just try to improve ourselves before looking at others? Maybe the most important thing is for us to be at peace with ourselves and leave the rest to do what they want to do?

I’m sorry if I have caused anyone to feel offended by this post. This was not my intention. I love all my sisters for the Sake of Allah. I am merely reminding us all (myself included) that we represent Islam to the wider world once we put on the hijab and we should take great care as to not resemble the non-Muslims.

In the Qur’aan, Allah says:

*{And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons...}* (An-Nur 24:31)

Therefore, from the verse, it becomes evident that the purpose of hijab is to cover. Although from one point of view the girls in jeans and a head-covering may be “covered”, the Prophet (peace and blessing be upon him) once mentioned that there are women who are ‘kasiyat `ariyat’, meaning they are both ‘covered and naked at the same time’. This refers to those who wear clothes that are too tight or short or transparent and therefore reveal their bodies, thereby completely missing the point of hijab.

This verse is a clear order, and not something just based on cultural norms of the time. Muslim men are told in the preceding verse to lower their gaze and guard their modesty, and women are told in this verse to lower their gaze, guard their modesty, and cover themselves. If you don’t think that women’s hair is part of their adornment, then tell me why there are so many shampoos, creams, and conditioners on the market, and why there are so many beauty salons?

A tradition of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) tells us:

Two are the types amongst the dwellers of Hell, the one possessing whips like the tail of an ox and they flog people with their help. (The second one) the women who would be naked in spite of their being dressed, who are seduced (to wrong paths) and seduce others with their hair high like humps. These women would not get into Paradise and they would not perceive the odour of Paradise, although its fragrance can be perceived from such and such distance (from great distance). (Saheeh Muslim, Book 040, #6840)

Therefore, since the Noble Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) warned these women who do not wear hijab that they will not enter Paradise, this means that it is a major sin. This may seem extreme, but a women who is well-covered and simply dressed does not hold the same level of attraction as a women who will use her characteristics to attract men or to take advantage of the weaknesses of men. What more severe warning is there than to warn them of hell fire?

Sisters, I would just like to remind myself first, before any of you, that we only have one life to live. Let’s use it to please our Creator instead of pleasing our own desires and those of the creation. Anywho, I think I’ve hit another record for writing a long post so I’ll end it here insha’Allah. Again, please forgive me if I may have said anything to hurt anyone's feelings.

The Devil's Da'wah Techniques

OK, I know what you’re thinking. ‘Since when does Shaytaan do Da’wah?’ Right??? Well that’s not the kind of da’wah I’m referring to here. I’m talking about the kind of Da’wah where Shaytaan (may Allah’s curse be upon him) tries to convert us Believers to ‘HIS’ religion (the religion of kufr) or at least lead us astray from the straight path.

While studying tafseer of Surah al-Baqarah, my Ustadh (may Allah preserve him) taught us ‘The Devil’s Da’wah Techniques'. We reached a place where Allah says in verses 34-36 of Surah al-Baqarah:

34. And when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves before ‘Adam!" So, they prostrated themselves, all but Iblis (Satan). He refused, and became one of the infidels.
35. And We said, "O ‘Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise; and eat at pleasure wherever you like, but do not go near this tree, otherwise you will be (counted) among the transgressors."
36. Then, Satan caused them to slip from it, and brought them out of where they had been. And We said, "Go down, all of you, some of you the enemies of others; and on the earth there will be for you a dwelling place and enjoyment for a time."

When Shaytaan refused to prostrate to Adam (alayhis salaam) out of pride and arrogance, he earned Allah’s wrath and he was refused Jannah. While, on the other hand, Adam and his wife Hawa were told by Allah to enter Paradise and enjoy everything therein, but to not come near a certain tree.

Shaytaan at this stage had pure hatred for Adam (alayhis salaam) and couldn’t stand the fact that he was refused Paradise because of him. So what does the Shaytaan do? He comes up with a plan to get them out of Jannah. But not just any plan; A SLY, SLICK PLAN. This is after all Shaytaan we’re talking about.

He proceeded to Adam (alayhis salaam) and used the most eloquent words and talks to him as if he is his best friend. Think about it, would you ever take advice or listen to someone who had pure hatred for you? Even if you didn’t know they hated you, you would be able to tell by their expression on their face innit? But Shaytaan’s clever, he puts on a disguise.

He goes to them and says:

Then Satan whispered to them, so that he might expose to them their shame that was hidden from them; and said, "Your Lord has not prohibited this tree for you, but to avoid your becoming angels or your becoming eternal." He swore an oath, "I am one of your well-wishers." [Qur’an Al A’raf: V. 20-21]

So Shaytaan made them eat from the tree that Allah forbade them and they were all thrown out from Paradise and dwell on earth for some time. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!

So my dear brothers and sisters, you’ve seen how easily Shaytaan managed to get Adam and Hawa, our father and mother (may Allah’s peace be upon them) from paradise using his ‘da’wah techniques’. He’s been using these techniques since day one and has managed to misguide many.

Here’s another story the Sheikh narrated to illustrate the ‘Devil’s Da’wah Techniques’. It’s about a pious worshipper named Burseesah who fell into the traps of Shaytaan. May Allah protect us all from the Shaytaan. Ameen.

The Story of Burseesah

There were three men from Bani Israel who were called to fight for the sake of Allah. They accepted the call, but they had concerns for their sister as she would be left behind with no-one to look after her. After some discussion, they agreed that the best place to leave her would be with the most trusted person in town.

This was a pious man called Burseesah, who lived in a sanctuary and devoted his entire life in the worship of Allah. They came to Burseesah and said to him,
"O Burseesah. We know you to be a pious and trustworthy man. We have been enlisted to fight for the sake of Allah and we want to leave our sister with you. O Burseesah! We trust no one else in town except you. Please take care of our sister."

Burseesah immediately said, "AoothoBillah! (I seek refuge in Allah) Get away from me! I have sworn to spend my time devoting it to the worship of Allah! I do not want to deal with these issues and be burdened with looking after someone"

The three men said to him, "O Burseesah! We have no where else to take her! We can’t leave her with anyone else and we don't trust anyone else. Please take care of our sister!"

Shaytaan heard the discussion, and came to Burseesah.

"Burseesah..." The waswaas [evil whisperings] began. "Burseesah if you don't look after her, she might be left with someone who is not trustworthy! You have to take this responsibility"

Burseesah listened and finally agreed to look after her. He told the brothers to leave her in a separate house so not to distract him from his acts of worship. They left her there, said goodbye and went to jihad.

Burseesah would continue his acts of worship as normal, and during the day he would leave food on his doorstep so the woman would have to leave the house to collect the food. This also ensured they never saw one another and Bursesah never even left his place of worship.

Time passed by. Shaytaan came to Burseesah.

"Burseesah..." he whispered, "You can't leave the food on your doorstep! As she is leaving the house someone might see her by herself. All alone and venerable and take advantage of her. Rather than her leave her house, you go to her house and drop off the food on her doorstep."

Burseesah made the decision that this was the right thing to do, and followed the bait that Shaytaan masked in a cover of righteousness. So during the day Burseesah would leave his worship, leave his place of worship, go to the house and leave the food on her doorstep.This happened for a while and with the trap just being set, Shaytaan moved in for the next step.

"Burseeeeesah..." the whispers came again. " are now leaving the food on her doorstep, but still this is not good. She still has to open the door and collect the food. Someone might still see her and she is so beautiful. She is VERY beautiful".

This servant of Allah, who never saw this woman started to be tempted by the whispers from Shaytaan about her beauty.

"Burseesah, her beauty is intoxicating and if someone sees her they may try something. You have to leave the food INSIDE her house. You don't have to look at her. Just knock on the door, and hand her the food as she opens the door."

Burseesah saw no harm in this. After all, it would stop people from seeing her. More deception covered in righteousness.

So again, Burseesah would leave his worship, leave his place of worship, go to the house and knock on her door to hand her the food.

Time passed by again. Shaytaan remained patient before executing his next plan.

Shaytaan came again.

" can’t leave this poor woman all alone. Without any company. No one is speaking to her. She's lonely Burseesah. Just talk to her. There’s no harm in saying salaam and asking how she is. You can talk to her from behind the don’t have to see her...just talk from outside."

He liked the idea and when he would bring her the food he would talk to her behind the door while she was in her room. They would talk for hours every day and the relationship began to get stronger. Shaytaan found it easier and easier to drag him into the next step.

" can't just sit behind the door. You know each other well enough to be in the same room now. Just sit in the same room and speak to her. You don't have to look at her. Just sit in the same room."

Burseesah began to follow the advice of Shaytaan. Everytime they met, the talk became more intimate as they began getting closer...and closer...and closer.

...He would hold her hand......

...The kiss came a few days later...

Eventually...they made zinaa [fornication] with each other.

"Ohh what have I done" Burseesah said as he realised his mistake.

--From being a slave of becoming a fornicator.--

But the story did not end there. From that night, the woman became pregnant. Nine months later she delivered a baby boy. The familiar whispers started again as Shaytaan flowed through Burseesah's veins like blood.

"Burseeesaah...when her brothers come back and find out their sister has a child in zinaa, you are going to be in trouble! There is only one way to solve this problem. have to kill the baby! Get rid of the evidence!"

Grief and anxiety ran through Burseesah's mind as he listened to the whispers of Shaytaan. He did what he heard and killed the baby.

"Ohhhh Burseesah. Do you think this woman will keep this a secret after you killed her own child?? Nooo. Burseesah.....the only thing to do now is to kill her!"

Burseesah then killed the woman and buried both mother and child under the house and covered it with a rock.

--From being a slave of becoming a murderer.—

The three brothers returned and went to greet their sister. She was no where to be found. They went to the house of Burseesah and asked him, "Where is our sister?"
"She has passed away" he said as he pointed to a fake grave.
The brothers were saddened by the loss, and made du'a for her. That night when they went to sleep, Shaytaan came to them in their dreams and told them all what had happened.
"Burseesah has lied to you! Burseesah killed your sister! Burseesah made zinaa with her! She is buried under the rock inside the house."
As they all woke up in the morning, and talked about their dream, they began relating the same dream and thought there must be some truth in it. They first dug up the grave Burseesah pointed to and found no body. They stormed to Burseesah's house and demanded to know what had happened to their sister. One of them saw the rock in the house and uncovered it, where they saw their sister and her child.
"What has happened to our sister?!” The eldest screamed.
They forced Burseesah to disclose the secret of what happened and Burseesah told them everything.
Burseesah was taken to court where he confessed everything to the King. The King sentenced Burseesah to be executed. As they dragged him to his death, fear overcame Burseesah.
For the first time during this whole incident, Shaytaan appeared before Burseesah and said to him, "Oh Burseesah! Listen! Look at me! I was the one who was whispering to you since this whole thing started! I am Shaytaan!"
Burseesah's fear grew as the blade for his execution was brought!
"Now I can get you out of all this trouble. I was the one who put you in it, and I can get you out of it!"
"Oh Shaytaan, what should I do?!" Burseesah cried!
With an evil grin, Shaytaan said, "Make sujood to me. I am Shaytaan and I will save you! Bow down and prostrate to me!"
Burseesah fell down in sujood to Shaytaan and as soon as he did this, Shaytaan ran away!
.....and Burseesah was executed.

--From being a servant of Allah, bowing down to becoming a servant to Shaytaan...bowing down to Shaytaan.
–-- From the worst type of kufr - bowing down to Shaytaan! –

Who could ever imagine a servant of Allah making sujood to Shaytaan!?
Imagine if Shaytaan came to Burseesah at the beginning and said "Burseesah make sujood to me", would Burseesah do it? NO!
If Shaytaan came to Burseesah at the beginning and said "commit zinaa" , would he do it? NO!
If Shaytaan came to Burseesah at the beginning and said "commit murder" , would he do? NO!
But Shaytaan knows the game! He's been playing his tricks since the time of Adam. Classical method of misleading people. Through step by step deception. This is how Shaytaan pulls at your feet and deceives you. So even if something may SEEM to be like an insignificant sin / action, be careful. It might be the start of a trap.

Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

Allah tells us

O you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Whoever follows the footsteps of Satan, (should know that) he orders (one to commit) shameful acts and evil deeds. Had it not been for the grace of Allah upon you, and His mercy, not a single person from you would have ever attained purity. But Allah purifies whomsoever He wills. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. [24:21]

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Chatting to the Opposite Sex

I begin with the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Very Merciful.

The topic in discussion is one that will surely create some controversy amongst the minds of many. Some of you may read the first paragraph and decide you would like to read no further. Others may read the entire post and quietly dismiss what is said. However I place a small request before you: please do ponder upon what is said. Jazakmullahu Khairan.

You may all agree that having a physical relationship with a non-mehram is totally forbidden in Islam. And if one was to transgress these boundaries then punishment would be the inevitable consequence. However, if one was to put it simply then we would agree that any form of communication that is likely to lead to ones carnal desires being aroused, is strictly forbidden. One does not know whether one's desires will be aroused or not - though there is always a possibility, hence such communication is forbidden.

By communication I mean conversations between a non mehram man and a woman in person, or via the phone, even by a mere look and yes, let me utter the deadly words, the most common form of communication amongst non-mehrams is taking place on the internet. It is the most easiest form and sadly it is succeeding beyond measure in corrupting our minds and leading us astray.

(Let me stress, this form of contact I am referring to is one that is kept unnecessarily, there are instances where non-mehrams can communicate which I will clarify below)

This post is specifically directed at MSN users. To be more precise I am referring to the chatting between non-mehram men and women that takes place on MSN. Or to be more exact, the chatting between men and women (who can marry) that takes place out of mere pleasure and which is not necessary. It seems these ‘chats’ that are taking place in today’s age has become the norm. We no longer consider it to be an evil act but instead it seems to be encouraged.

It is a plain fact and you all must be aware of it. To speak to a non-mehram man or woman, in particular on MSN (without a necessity) is islamically not right. The reason why I have targeted the usage of MSN is because this has become the most common and easiest form of prohibited communication between men and women that is taking place.

Having a conversation on MSN between a non-mehram man or woman (without a necessity) is zina. Yes this is such a strong word and you may object at such a word being used. But readers, this is no extreme way of putting it, it is a fact whether we approve of it or not. Chatting on MSN to a non-mehram for one’s own pleasure is committing zina of the hands, eyes as well as the mind. How? You may ask. Zina of the hands is committed when one types in a message to send to the person they are chatting to. Zina of the eyes is reading any message from the person and lastly zina of the mind is thinking about the person.

Imam Dhahabi Rahimahullah mentions in Kitabul Kaba'ir that the Messenger of Allah (May peace and blessings be upon him) said, "In the Hell-Fire there is a valley in which contains serpents. Each serpent is as fat as a camel's neck.When it stings the one who does not pray, it's poison boils in his abode for seventy years and then his flesh is torn out. There is also a valley called the well of Hazan (suffering) which contains serpents and scorpions. Each scorpion is as huge as a mule and has seventy spines. Each spine ends in a poisonous edge. Then, it strikes the adulterer and sprays poison in his body. The adulterer suffers from this painful poison for a thousand years. Then his flesh is torn out and pus flows from his genitals.”

One specific ploy used by people who want to make an excuse to chat to the opposite sex, is to refer to them as their 'brother' and 'sister.' Does this really convince you that what you are doing is islamically acceptable? Yes, every Muslim is a brother and sister to one another, but these so called brothers and sisters of ours are people who we can marry, hence the ruling of it being forbidden.

Neither does the excuse of being 'friends' work because such a thing as friends between a non-mehram man and a woman exist in Islam.

However, there is a type of communication in Islam that is permitted. This is the contact between a non-mehram man and woman who communicate for the sake of Islam. But please note only in extreme cases of necessity. Those whose sole purpose is to gain knowledge for the betterment of their own Imaan, as well as the entire Ummah.

Truly, this can be seen taking place at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and his blessed companions (may Allah be pleased with them). The Mother of the Believers, hazrat Aishah (radiallahu anha) has related many hadiths to inform the Ummah of the blessed ways of our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). These hadiths were asked by the noble companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) upon which hazrat Aishah used to reply behind a screen in the most modest manner. Yes, indeed this is a perfect example that clearly shows such communication is permitted in Islam.

However, I ask you, what has become of us today? We use this very excuse of propagating Islam and instead misuse it to suit our desires. Yes, once in a while an Islamic issue may crop up but other times? Other times, readers we are involved in deep conversations be it MSN, Hi5, Facebook or any other way, we are involved in many hours of zina. What is the need in speaking to a non-mehram about personal issues, about petty issues which are simply not necessary?

Of course one may say 'my intentions are pure', truly I do not doubt that for one moment. However, all would agree that Shaytaan makes it a duty upon himself to convert these intentions to please him. Muslims are urged in the Qur'an,

'Do not even go close to fornication. It is indeed a shameful act, and an evil way to follow.'

"Do not go near indecent deeds open or secret."

"Say to believing men that they should lower their gaze..."

We notice that not only has Zina been prohibited. Allah has also prohibited the channels that lead to Zina such as idle chatting, touching, kissing etc; the slightest bit of temptation is eliminated from the start, before anything even takes place.

I’d like to apply this same aspect to internet chatting. Readers do not even go near unnecessary chatting between non-mehrams on the internet for this is the path leading to zina. We are mere mortals, we cannot always control our desires. It may begin as an 'Islamic issue' but result in zina.

I would like to end by asking, what do we derive from long hours of conversations or even merely keeping in contact with a guy/girl? Yes, it is a form of pass-time, or maybe we think it to be 'fun' and lastly, and most definitely we derive pleasure out of it. I ask you, what is our pleasure in comparison to that of the displeasure of Allah (subhanu wa ta’la)? What is our comfort in comparison to that of the discomfort and pain of our Blessed Prophet Muhammad (may eternal peace and blessings be upon him)?

Is it fair, that this very Prophet who experienced such hardships and pain for the sake of his Ummah to remain strong on his/her Imaan, so that Allah may grant his Ummah salvation from hell, this very Prophet's teachings are being torn to shreds. Do we feel even the slightest bit of remorse?

However let me stress, I do not wish to dishearten any of you. If you have used MSN or are using it for the purpose of chatting to guys/girls whom you are not supposed to, then this is your chance to repent and seek forgiveness. Allah is the Most Merciful and truly you shall be forgiven if your repentance is sincere. However, also remember that you must make the intention of not continuing with this sinful act in future.

The next time you are confronted by a non-mehram man/woman on MSN whom you must not be chatting to then control your inner, worldly desires by not responding and instantly deleting such a person from your list. Yes, it is hard and surely you will have to struggle for it but keep in mind that this sacrifice is solely for your own benefit.

In conclusion I would like to say that this post is not directed at a specific individual, but rather to the entire Ummah as a whole. I would like to apologise if I may have said anything that has caused any one of you readers to feel offended. This is not my attempt to be judgmental but rather I am placing a genuine concern before you, I pray that this entry creates an awareness of the evils of men and women chatting online. I pray that Allah gives me and all you readers the hidayah to practice upon what has been said.

Jazakumullahu khairan for taking your time out to read, it now lies upon yourselves whether you choose to practice upon what has been said.

Wassalamu ‘alaykum warahmatullah

Friday, 23 May 2008

Feelin' Tired???

Are you TIRED?? Feeling like you've done too much work and can afford to take the day off???


After the Battle of Uhud, the Muslims were wounded, bloodied and worn out physically as well as emotionally. Not only were they wearing and wielding 100 lbs worth of armour and weaponry in the hot, desert sun, they were also emotionally tired. They had just witnessed 70 of their best friends martyred and then mutilated in the worst possible ways. Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib, Mus'ab ibn Umayr, Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with them)...all their deaths had a severe emotional toll!

But the Prophet (may eternal peace and blessings be upon him) ordered them back up the very next day to continue pursuit of the mushrikeen army...

...And they ALL got up and obeyed without a word, and marched on....

These were the Sahaabas. The next time you feel like going on cruise control, think back to when the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) selflessly strove forward, and even RAN to the fragrance of Paradise...

May Allah [subhanahu wa ta'ala] unite us with them in the highest ranks of Jannah! Ameen

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Secret Weapons for the Exam Battle: Study Hard, Pray Harder!

Finding it difficult to concentrate on your revision? Is there a killer set of lectures that you just can’t get you head around? Feel the overwhelming urge to sleep, eat, stare at the wall as soon as you start revising? Don't Worry…we have a formula for success!

(Exam – Sins)+ Salah x Duaa = Success (insha'Allah!)

It is that wonderful time of the year again! The time of the year when students start to regret the last few months of lazing about, playing video games and generally sleepwalking through the first two terms; the time of year when you realise that college isn’t just the place where you and your friends hang out during the day. The time of year when it dawns on you that you are not going to get a degree in Pro Evolution, Chicken Cottage or blowing 200 hoops from a shisha. Yes… it’s EXAM TIME!

But before you start spending all your energy trying to think of excuses to tell your parents about why you averaged 13% for a Multiple Choice Exam where even random guessing should give you around 50% - we thought we’d put together a few choice du'aa's to help you in your hour(s) of need. Remember the Messenger of Allah (may eternal peace and blessings be upon him) has said, "Dua is the weapon of a believer."

Du'aa for all of those people who have run out of time and need to be “selective” in their revision:
اللهم انفعني بما علمتني وعلمني ما ينفعني
“Allahumma infa'nii bimaa 'allamtanii wa'allimnii maa yanfa' unii.”
O Allah! Make useful for me what You taught me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me.
Du'aa for all those people who’ve realised that their brain is like a sponge – i.e. full of holes:
اللهم اني أسألك فهم النبيين وحفظ المرسلين المقربين
“Allahumma inii as'aluka fahmal-nabiyyen wa hifthal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen.”
O Allah! I ask You for the understanding of the Prophets and the memory of the Messengers, and those nearest to You.
Du'aa for all of those facing the make-or-break Exam that has destroyed many before them:
اللهم لا سهل إلا ما جعلته سهلا أنت تجعل الحزن إذا ما شئت سهلا
“Allahumma la sahla illama ja-'altahu sahla wa anta taj 'alu al hazana etha shi'ta sahla.”
O Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made easy. If You wish, You can make the difficult easy.
Du'aa for the type of person whose mind goes blank during the actual Exam:
اللهم اني أستو دعك ما قرأت وما حفظت فرده علي عند حاجتي إليه انك على ما تشاء قدير وأنت حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل
“Allahhumma inni astaodeeuka ma qara’tu wama hafaz-tu. Faradduhu ‘allaya inda hagati elayhi. Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha’-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na’mal wakeel.”
O Allah! I entrust You with what I have read and I have studied. (Oh Allah!) Bring it back to me when I am in need of it. (Oh Allah!) You do whatever You wish, and You are my Availer and Protector and the best of aid.
Du'aa for all those facing oral / clinical exams:
رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِى صَدْرِى وَيَسِّرْ لِى أَمْرِى وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِى يَفْقَهُواْ قَوْلِي
“Rabbi Ishrah Li Sadry, Wayassir Li Amry, Wahlul ‘Uqdatan Min Lisany, yafqahu Qawly.”
My Lord, I ask you to expand my breast, make my task easy, undo the knot in my tongue so that my speech will become comprehensible. (Surah Ta-Ha Verse 25-28)
Duaa for all those who feel that their situation is absolutely hopeless:
Remember the Prophet's (peace be upon him) Dua at Ta'if

اللهم إليك أشكو ضعف قوتي وقلة حيلتي وهواني على الناسياأرحم الراحمين أنت أرحم الراحمين أنت رب المستضعفين وأنت ربيإلى من تكلني إلى عدو يتجهمني أم إلى صديق مكلته إمريإن لم يكن بك غضب علي فلا أبالي ولكن عافيتك هي أوسع ليأعوذ بنور وجهك الذي أضاءت له السموات و الأرض وأشرقت له الظلمات وصلح عليه أمر الدنيا والأخره أن ينزل بي غضبك أو يحل علي سخطكلك العتبى حتى ترضى ولاحول ولاقوة إلابك
“O Allah! Only to You do I communicate my weakness, My lack of skill and lack of importance among people. O the Most Merciful who shows mercy, You are certainly the Lord of the weak and You are my Lord. To whom shall you hand me over? To an enemy who will treat me harshly or to a near one to whom You shall give control over me? If You are not angry with me, I care for nothing. All I require is that Your protection should be vast enough for me. In the light of Your Countenance by which multitudes of darkness are turned to light and by which the affairs of this world and the Aakhirah are remedied, I seek protection from being afflicted by Your wrath and displeasure. The causes of your displeasure should be removed until You are pleased. There is no power and no might but with Allah.”
Remember, these du'aa's are to help you study, NOT to use as a replacement for revision. We all know the saying…if you fail to prepare then prepare for a beating!
Also remember that, as a Muslim, we strive to do our best in every aspect of our lives — both for this world and the Hereafter. Please utilise your time wisely, study hard, and above all, make Du’a, for in the end, it is by Allah’s will alone that anything is possible.
I pray Allah the Almighty makes all of our exams easy upon us and one final reminder. I would just like to remind you all of a hadith of the Prophet (May eternal peace and blessings be upon him). He said: 'There is no believing servant who supplicates for his brother in his absence where the angels do not say, 'Ameen and the same be for you'' [Muslim] So if you want success in your exams, make sure you supplicate for your Muslim brothers and sisters as well insha'Allah.
Wassalamu 'alaykum warahmatullah

Monday, 19 May 2008

Ayaaz and the Priceless Pearl

Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi (R.A.) mentions in his Mathnavi, a story of Sultan Mahmood : One day the Sultan decided to test his ministers and ordered them to crush the most prized pearl of his treasury. One by one, each of 65 ministers declined, stating that the pearl was far too valuable to be destroyed.The King then summoned his closest and trusted courtier, Ayaaz, and ordered him to crush the pearl. Without any delay or hesitation, Ayaaz crushed the pearl into fragments. When the ministers expressed disbelief and shock at such audacity, the King asked Ayaaz to inform them as to the reason for him having broken the pearl.
In response, Ayaaz asked these ministers : ” Which is more important, the Royal Decree or the pearl ? “
The question we pose to ourselves is : ” Which is more important, the command of my Allah or the desire of my heart ?”
The desires of the heart are akin to pearls, which appear to be quite beautiful but we should not fulfil these desires at the cost of breaking the decrees of Allah.
Ayaaz attained closeness to the king through his loyalty and faithfulness and his obedience and submission. Similarly, we will gain the extreme nearness and intimate closeness to the King of Kings through loyalty and faithfulness. This in turn is dependent upon sincere obedience and complete submission to His decrees.

(Taken from

So You Want to be Something Huh?

Hazrat Hakim-ul-Ummah Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahimahullah) addressing
his students and disciples said:
“Unfortunately the condition of people (who
are treading the path of Deen) today is that they want to quickly become
“something” from the get-go before actually doing anything. I say to them, that
even the fact that Allah Ta`ala accepts us to be involved and occupied with His
Deen is a great status and bounty in itself. What more of a blessing can a
person ask for than being occupied in the Deen of Allah Ta`ala.
As for that
person who desires to become “something” and gain some name and status for
himself through Deen, then remember this well…this person is a very unfortunate
and deprived (mahroom) person. Annihilate your desires of status and name and
remain busy in His servitude, being hopeful of His grace.
Never become
hopeless of Him due to your weaknesses and shortcomings. Stand up and move
(trusting in Him alone) and see how Allah makes all the difficulties easy and
removes the obstacles.
The condition of treading this path is that one must
have talab (the fervent desire) and the problem with us today is that we do not
have the talab to attain Allah alone. DESIRE ALLAH ALONE, AND THEN SEE WHAT
(Malfoozat-e-Hakim-ul-Ummah; Vol. 7, Pg. 74)

(Taken from

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Strengthen your Power

“Besides the usage of will power there is no other remedy for those sins which are related to passion and desire.

The respected Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi rahmatullahi alayh would say that if a person is not willing to use his will power then not even a Prophet can save him from committing sin.

Through the usage of will power one can achieve great things. Take the example of a smoker who stops smoking from morning till evening in Ramadhan.The smoker is able to do this because he is using the willpower which is within him.
The strengthening of will power is one of the benefits of consulting a Shaykh. By following the Shaykh’s guidance one is able to develop and rejuvenate his will power so that he is able to use this great capacity and thus refrain from sin.”

Taken from (

Saheeh al-Bukhari